Hi guys here as promised is a follow-up on my pervious posts. If you read it, it explains the first steps I took following my holiday. Like I said the results came fast when I made the change but naturally started to slow down. This happens because after a few weeks the changes you make stop becoming unexpected by your body, and as your body becomes used to what you are doing so the results will naturally slow down. To quote Dr Serrano “the best diet is the one you are not on”.
So after around 4 weeks I started by changing my training program. I still split muscle groups but just upped the volume slightly again sticking with the approch of small continual changes. Heres an idea of one of the programs. I didnt change the structure for now but rather upped the amount of sets I did therefore upping the amount of energy output. I will say that although the structure was similar I did change the exercises often.
- A1- Dips- 8-5-4010-30s
- A2- Pull ups- 8-5-4010-60s
- B1- Flat db press- 10-4-3010-0s
- B2- Pulldown-10-4-3010-60s
- C1- Cable standing fly- 15-3/4-1010-30s
- C2- T-bar row- 15-3/4-1010-30s
So again not a huge change just 1 or 2 sets up but enough to make a difference. I also cut my carbs down on days where I would train a smaller muscle group like arms and shoulders. So Carbs were low on shoulders and arms days and on the weekends again the progress continued without having to change a great deal. Remember guys if you change too much all at once then likely you.re going to find it hard and the higher chance you will not succeed.
Maximum Results with as minimal changes to lifestyle is what we want. Let me stress this does not mean we aren’t putting any effort in, we are training hard and monitoring what I eat still, all it means is that the nutrition or training isn’t extreme but still effective.