Improving eating habits doesn’t have to be hard. We keep getting lured into these fad diets, then end up falling off the band wagon. I think a lot of people struggle with so much change all at once that it becomes so hard to stick to it because we still crave those naughty, sugar high, high calorie foods that taste so good but are oh so bad.
We put way to much pressure on ourselves when it comes to making change. We try to change it all at once then find it to tough, so we give up. From new years resolutions, getting your summer in 12 weeks these are short-term usually to intense for most and we end up giving up. Sometimes it can be as simple as trying to drink more water, choosing a healthier breakfast option or trying to cook all your meals from scratch. Small simple changes will be much easier to take on and therefore maintain. This will still get you results and the more changes you make week by week, month by month will teach better eating habits, help maintain your results and create a more energetic healthier you without feeling like you have changed your whole life overnight.
It takes around a month to create a new habit for most so working on one or 2 things at a time ,ay be a more sensible, sustainable option. Here are a few things you can change a week at a time for example
- Week one, cut out all processed food
- week two Add more protein to your meals
- Week 3,Make sure you’re getting 11 pieces of veg a day
- Week four, Drink drink enough water
And you can go on from there. Everybody is at a different stage of change so some may change one thing at a time, others may change a few or all. Figure out how difficult you would find it to change your habits and pick a place to start, once the results start to happen it will become easier to implement more change.
Have a nice day and good luck